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Dear candidates you will find MCQ questions of Operating System Architecture here. Learn these questions and prepare yourself for coming examinations and interviews. You can check the right answer of any question by clicking on any option or by clicking view answer button.


Mr. Dubey • 51.17K Points

Q. 241) Redirection in pipes can be achieved by using

(A) >
(B) >>
(C) tee
(D) lpr
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Mr. Dubey • 51.17K Points

Q. 242) Choose the correct statements.

(A) the symbols > and | are both processed by shell
(B) > can be used to direct output to a named file
(C) | can be used to direct output to programs
(D) all of above
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Mr. Dubey • 51.17K Points

Q. 243) The command who sort - file1 > file2

(A) results in an error
(B) sorts the contents of file1 and puts it in file2
(C) both (a) and (b)
(D) none of the above
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Mr. Dubey • 51.17K Points

Q. 244) The system identifies a file by its

(A) name
(B) absolute path
(C) both (a) and (b)
(D) mode number
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Mr. Dubey • 51.17K Points

Q. 245) The system identifies the end of a file by the

(A) eof character
(B) file size
(C) i-node number
(D) both (a) and (b)
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Mr. Dubey • 51.17K Points

Q. 246) The command line argument a.out x 'a b' "c d"

(A) is acceptable
(B) is acceptable if the double quotes are replaced by single quotes
(C) is acceptable if the single quotes arc replaced by double quotes
(D) none of the above
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Mr. Dubey • 51.17K Points

Q. 247) Which of the following metacharacters will be recognized by the shell. even if it comes within double quotes?

(A) $
(B) *
(C) ?
(D) none of these
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Mr. Dubey • 51.17K Points

Q. 248) lint should be used

(A) before compilation
(B) to analyze a c code
(C) after compilation
(D) both (a) and (b)
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Mr. Dubey • 51.17K Points

Q. 249) Environment variables can be accessed by

(A) system programs
(B) c programs
(C) shell scripts
(D) all of these
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Mr. Dubey • 51.17K Points

Q. 250) Which of the following are character special files

(A) terminal
(B) printer
(C) modem
(D) all of these
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