Soil Mechanics and Foundations MCQs | Page - 3
Dear candidates you will find MCQ questions of Soil Mechanics and Foundations here. Learn these questions and prepare yourself for coming examinations and interviews. You can check the right answer of any question by clicking on any option or by clicking view answer button.
Q. The critical gradient for all soils is normally ?
Q. The density of soil mass is expressed in ?
Q. The maximum size of grains of silts is about ?
Q. The water content in a soil at which just shear strength develops is called ?
Q. Which of the following is practically impermeable ?
Q. The density of sand at which there is no change in volume under the influence of shearing strain produced due to shear stress, is called ?
Q. By an agriculturist, soil is defined as ?
Q. The angle of internal friction of round-grained dense sand is about ?
Q. A sample of soil has liquid limit 45 %, plastic limit 25 %, shrinkage limit 17 % and natural moisture content 30%. The consistency index of the soil is ?
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