Theory of Computation MCQs | Page - 1
Dear candidates you will find MCQ questions of Theory of Computation here. Learn these questions and prepare yourself for coming examinations and interviews. You can check the right answer of any question by clicking on any option or by clicking view answer button.
Q. = ∈{ } w has at least as many occurrences of (110)’s as (011)’s}. Let L {w 0,1 * 2 = ∈{ } w has at least as many occurrence of (000)’s as (111)’s}. Which one of the following is TRUE?
Q. A spanning tree for a simple graph of order 24 has
Q. If G is a simple connected 3-regular planar graph where every region is bounded by exactly 3 edges, then the edges of G is
Q. If G is a connected planar graph of v vertices e edges and r regions then
Q. A Hamiltonian cycle in a Hamiltonian graph of order 24 has
Q. The following grammar
G = (N, T, P, S)
N = {S, A, B}
T = {a, b, c}
P : S → aSa
S → aAa
A → bB
B → bB
B → c is
Q. The following grammar
G = (N, T, P, S)
N = {S, A, B, C, D, E}
T = {a, b, c}
P : S → aAB
C → aC
C → b
bE → bc is
Q. The following grammar
G = (N, T, P, S)
N = {S, A, B, C}
T = {a, b, c}
P : S → aS
A → bB
B → cC
C → a is
Q. P, Q, R are three languages. If P & R are regular and if PQ=R, then
Q. Which of the following is true with respect to Kleene’s theorem?
1 A regular language is accepted by a finite automaton.
2 Every language is accepted by a finite automaton or a turingmachine.
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