38500+ MCQs for AFCAT are available here. You can learn these questions for your better preparation. Questions are available with its correct answer. You can check the correct answer of any questions by clicking the option or show answer button. Have a nice day and enjoy learning AFCAT MCQ Questions.
Q) The price of patrol went up by 25%. In order that expenses on patrol should not increase. One must reduce travel by
(A) 25%
(B) 20%
(C) 18%
(D) 15%
Correct Answer - Option
In such type of questions we follow short trick which is.
(Price up% x 100)/price up% 100
25 x 100/100 25
Hence option B is correct.
You can follow this trick for price up % questions.
Q) How many times Gandhiji was elected the President of Indian National Congress?
(A) Once
(B) Two times
(C) Three times
(D) Four times
Correct Answer - Option
Gandhiji elected president only once in 1924
belgaum session
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