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Learn NDA MCQs with answers [Page 1 of Department 23]


Virat Bhati • 7.23K Points
Tutor III

2) Subhash Bose selected the best soldiers from the three existing brigades (named after Gandhi, Azad and Nehru) and organised a new brigade which the soldiers themselves called

(A) Himalayan Brigade
(B) Swatantra Bharat Brigade
(C) Bhagat Singh Brigade
(D) Subhash Brigade
Correct Answer - Option (D)

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Virat Bhati • 7.23K Points
Tutor III

3) In March 1942, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill appointed the Cripps Mission to resolve Indian political crisis because

(A) he was under pressure from the US President Roosevelt
(B) of the gravity of the Japanese war menace on India's borders
(C) both (a) and (b) above
(D) of INA’s initial success on India's eastern borders
Correct Answer - Option (C)

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Virat Bhati • 7.23K Points
Tutor III

4) Kasturba Gandhi died in detention (in 1944) at

(A) Yeravada Jail
(B) Ahmedabad Prison
(C) Aga Khan Palace
(D) Ahmednagar Fort
Correct Answer - Option (C)

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Virat Bhati • 7.23K Points
Tutor III

5) In 1921, Mahatma Gandhi resolved to wear only a loin cloth to propagate home spun cotton to signify

(A) the poverty of the Indian people
(B) the ruin of India's handloom textiles
(C) his identification with the Indian people
(D) his resolve to wear tailored clothes only when India became independent
Correct Answer - Option (C)

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Virat Bhati • 7.23K Points
Tutor III

6) The Working Committee of the Congress passed the Quit India resolution on

(A) July 14, 1942
(B) August 10, 1942
(C) August 8, 1942
(D) June 30, 1942
Correct Answer - Option (A)

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Virat Bhati • 7.23K Points
Tutor III

7) Which of the following was not one of the points stressed by Mahatma Gandhi while exhorting the people to join the Quit India Movement?

(A) Forget the differences between the Hindus and Muslims and think of yourselves as Indians only.
(B) our quarrel is not with British people, we fight their imperialism and we must purge ourselves of hatred.
(C) Feel from today that you are a free man and pot a dependent. Do or die. Either free India or die in the the attempt.
(D) Freedom of India is an end that will purify all means employed to achieve it.
Correct Answer - Option (D)

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