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Learn UPSC MCQs with answers [Page 1 of Department 56]


Mahesh Chandra • 6.28K Points
Tutor III

1) The mass number of a nucleus is

(A) always less than its atomic number
(B) the sum of the number of protons and neutrons present in the nucleus
(C) always more than the atomic weight
(D) a fraction
Correct Answer - Option (B)

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Mahesh Chandra • 6.28K Points
Tutor III

2) The inexpensive and commonly used variety of glass is called soda glass. It is called so because

(A) was used initially for making bottles of soda(carbonated drink)
(B) is made using soda(sodium carbonate)
(C) was initially used for storing sodium carbonate
(D) is made using soda lime
Correct Answer - Option (B)

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Mahesh Chandra • 6.28K Points
Tutor III

4) The graphite rods in the nuclear reactor

(A) react with U to release energy
(B) produce neutrons
(C) undergo combustion which triggers the nuclear fission
(D) convert fast moving neutrons into thermal neutrons
Correct Answer - Option (D)

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Chandani • 9.65K Points
Tutor III

7) Synonym for - GARRULITY

(A) Credulity
(B) Senility
(C) Loquaciousness
(D) Speciousness
Correct Answer - Option (C)

Explanation :
Meaning:The use of too many words to express an idea. Synonyms:Circumlocution, Diffuseness, Verbiage Antonyms:Brevity, Briefness, Terseness

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