Foundation of Sociological Theory MCQs and Notes


Praveen Singh • 34.41K Points
Instructor I

Q 41. The mode of production existed in primitive communities in which ownership of land was communal is known as

(A) ancient mode of production
(B) capitalist mode of production
(C) feudal mode of production
(D) asiatic mode of production


Admin • 34.80K Points
Instructor I

Q 42. According to Marx, under capitalist mode of production, the surplus takes the form of

(A) loss
(B) profit
(C) product
(D) relations


Admin • 34.80K Points
Instructor I

Q 43. According to Marx, the capacity to do a useful work that increases the value of the products is called

(A) surplus value
(B) labour value
(C) labour power
(D) exploitation


Praveen Singh • 34.41K Points
Instructor I

Q 44. According to Karl Marx, the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of

(A) economic determinism
(B) exploitation
(C) class struggles
(D) alienation


Priyanka Tomar • 33.18K Points
Instructor I

Q 45. According to Karl Marx the present state will

(A) continue for long
(B) will wither away
(C) deliver goods with the passage of time
(D) slowly benefit the workers


Praveen Singh • 34.41K Points
Instructor I

Q 46. In Marxist theory, the working class is called

(A) the proletariat
(B) bourgeoisie
(C) capitalists
(D) leftists


Praveen Singh • 34.41K Points
Instructor I

Q 47. A contribution to the Critique of Political Economy is authored by

(A) herbert spencer
(B) lewis coser
(C) karl marx
(D) max weber


Gopal Sharma • 35.92K Points

Q 48. ---- had a dominant intellectual influence on Karl Marx

(A) auguste comte
(B) hegel
(C) max weber
(D) george simmel


Gopal Sharma • 35.92K Points

Q 49. The Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 was written by

(A) auguste comte
(B) karl marx
(C) max weber
(D) george simmel


Shiva Ram • 28.35K Points
Instructor II

Q 50. Das Kapital was written in the year

(A) 1876
(B) 1786
(C) 1867
(D) 1875

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