Advance Accounting MCQs and Notes
Q 61. Maharashtra co-operative Society Act……..
Q 62. A society which as proclaimed as its objective the………….of economic interest of its member
Q 63. If Sales of last year is Rs. 450000 and sales of corresponding current year is Rs.200000 then Short sales will be ……………
Q 64. IF Gross profit rate is 40% and Short Sales is Rs. 250000, then Loss of Profit on Sales will be ………..
Q 65. IF Gross profit rate is 20% and Short Sales is Rs. 400000, then Loss of Profit on Sales will be ………..
Q 66. If Net Profit is Rs. 400000 Insured Standing Charges is Rs. 320000 Sales of The Previous year is Rs. 3600000 Then Gross Profit Rate will be…………
Q 67. If Net Profit is Rs. 200000 Insured Standing Charges is Rs. 160000 Sales of The Previous year is Rs. 1800000 Then Gross Profit Rate will be…………
Q 68. If Sales of last year is Rs. 600000 and sales of corresponding current year is Rs.200000 then Short sales will be ……………
Q 69. If value of Insurance Policy is 63000, Stock on date of Fire is 72000 and Loss of stock is 54000 then Amount of Claim for stock will be ……………