Business Environment MCQs and Notes


Vinay • 28.75K Points
Instructor II

Q 41. The micro environment consists ______.

(A) Technological Environment.
(B) Political Environment.
(C) Economic Environment.
(D) Public, middlemen, consumers & competitors.


Vinay • 28.75K Points
Instructor II

Q 42. Macro environment consist of ______?

(A) public.
(B) political & legal.
(C) suppliers.
(D) customers.


Shiva Ram • 30.44K Points
Instructor I

Q 43. Macro environment is also known as _________?

(A) direct environment .
(B) indirect environment.
(C) competitive environment.
(D) social environment.


Shiva Ram • 30.44K Points
Instructor I

Q 44. What are the elements of business environment?

(A) Micro Environment.
(B) Macro Environment.
(C) Complex Environment.
(D) Steeple factor


Ranjeet • 34.60K Points
Instructor I

Q 45. What is the significance of business environment?

(A) First Mover Advantage.
(B) Competition.
(C) Information.
(D) Globalization.


Admin • 36.93K Points

Q 46. what is the nature of business environment?

(A) Aggression.
(B) Relative.
(C) Uncertain.
(D) Aggression, Relative and Uncertain.


Rakesh Kumar • 28.44K Points
Instructor II

Q 47. ________is the business through which new ideas and innovations are given a sharp and are converted into useful products and services .

(A) Market Leadership.
(B) Challenge.
(C) Joy of Creation.
(D) Growth.


Ranjeet • 34.60K Points
Instructor I

Q 48. The following statement with respect to culture is false.

(A) Culture is enduring.
(B) Culture is changing.
(C) Culture is evolved among the members of a society.
(D) Culture is determined by national boundaries.


Ranjeet • 34.60K Points
Instructor I

Q 49. _______is the primary motive for a business enterprise.

(A) Profit.
(B) Maximize customers.
(C) Human objective.
(D) Maximize suppliers.


Vinay • 28.75K Points
Instructor II

Q 50. Goals realization continuously will lead to _______.

(A) mission fulfillment.
(B) maximize customers.
(C) high revenue.
(D) maximize suppliers.

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