E-Supply Chains and Logistics core MCQs and Notes


Rakesh Kumar • 28.44K Points
Instructor II

Q 1.   Challenges of E logistics are

(A) Availability of talent across levels
(B) Govt regulations & policies
(C) Physical infrastructure
(D) All of the above


Vikash Gupta • 33.56K Points
Instructor I

Q 2.   In Reverse Logistics

(A) Inventory mgmt strategies may not work properly as in forward
(B) less transparent but forward logistics process is visible and transparent
(C) speed of shipment is not imp’ but it is the top priority in regular logistics.
(D) All of the above


Vijay Sangwan • 28.62K Points
Instructor II

Q 3. Reverse Logistics is referred to as

(A) sending material from customers to manufacturers
(B) sending material from suppliers to manufacturers
(C) sending material from suppliers to customers
(D) all of the above


Rakesh Kumar • 28.44K Points
Instructor II

Q 4. Forward logistics refers to

(A) sending material from customers to manufacturers
(B) sending material from suppliers to manufacturers
(C) sending material from manufactures to suppliers
(D) all of the above


Admin • 36.93K Points

Q 5.    ------------- are under the scope of e-logistics

(A) Suppliers & Distributors
(B) Warehouses 3 and 4PL
(C) Customers /retailers /end users
(D) All of the above


Ranjeet • 34.60K Points
Instructor I

Q 6. The coord’ of Information & Communications Technology (ICT) in business has advanced and

(A) has empowered mass customization and cost reduction
(B) has improved Mass production quantity and increased cost
(C) Has added to unnecessary processes not adding any value
(D) None of the above


Vijay Sangwan • 28.62K Points
Instructor II

Q 7. E- logistics is

(A) movement of product or administration over electronic frameworks,
(B) movement of product or administration over Physical frameworks
(C) Movement of only product through e channels
(D) Movement of information through e channels


Vijay Sangwan • 28.62K Points
Instructor II

Q 8.   Ultimate objective of E-Logistics is

(A) to deliver right products in right quantities at right place and time to the right Customer.
(B) to keep more inventory at all stages of Supply chain.
(C) To keep only Customers happy at any cost.
(D) To keep only Suppliers happy by giving advanced orders.


Vikash Gupta • 33.56K Points
Instructor I

Q 9. We can reduce ___ cost by aggregating the product movement.

(A) Inventory cost
(B) Transportation cost
(C) Order cost
(D) Warehouse cost


Ram Sharma • 193.84K Points

Q 10. The time taken from the moment the buyer places an order to the moment the buyer receives it is defined as ___.

(A) Lead time of procurement
(B) standard time
(C) manufacturing time
(D) Cycle time

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