Emerging Trends in Management MCQs and Notes


Vikash Gupta • 33.56K Points
Instructor I

Q 1. ………….is a short declaration of what an organisation aspires to be tomorrow.It is the ideal state that might never reached but which you continuously strive to achieve.

(A) mission
(B) vision
(C) strategy
(D) operation


Praveen Singh • 36.71K Points

Q 2. The 5 pillars of TQM includes product,process,system,people and………..

(A) communication
(B) motivation
(C) leadership
(D) resource


Rakesh Kumar • 28.44K Points
Instructor II

Q 3. ………..is a predictable degree of uniformity and dependability,at low cost and suited to the market.

(A) quantity
(B) quality
(C) system
(D) process


Priyanka Tomar • 35.28K Points

Q 4. The service sector has lower productivity improvements than the manufacturing sector because

(A) the service sector uses less skilled labor than manufacturing
(B) the quality of output is lower in services than manufacturing
(C) services usually are labor intensive
(D) service sector productivity is hard to measure


Rakesh Kumar • 28.44K Points
Instructor II

Q 5. Three commonly used productivity variables are

(A) quality, external elements, and precise units of measure
(B) labor, capital, and management
(C) technology, raw materials, and labor
(D) education, diet, and social overhead


Ram Sharma • 193.84K Points

Q 6. The largest contributor to productivity increases is ________, estimated to be responsible for _____ of the annual increase.

(A) management; one-half
(B) mr. deming; one-half
(C) labor; two-thirds
(D) capital; 90%


Rakesh Kumar • 28.44K Points
Instructor II

Q 7. Productivity can be improved by

(A) increasing inputs while holding outputs steady
(B) decreasing outputs while holding inputs steady
(C) increasing inputs and outputs in the same proportion
(D) decreasing inputs while holding outputs steady


Ram Sharma • 193.84K Points

Q 8. Which of the following inputs has the greatest potential to increase productivity?

(A) labor
(B) globalization
(C) management
(D) capital


Ram Sharma • 193.84K Points

Q 9. The total of all outputs produced by the transformation process divided by the total of the inputs is

(A) utilization
(B) greater in manufacturing than in services
(C) defined only for manufacturing firms
(D) multi-factor productivity


Gopal Sharma • 38.32K Points

Q 10. Productivity measurement is complicated by

(A) the competition's output
(B) the fact that precise units of measure are often unavailable
(C) stable quality
(D) the workforce size

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