Foundation of Sociological Theory MCQs and Notes


Praveen Singh • 36.71K Points

Q 1. The authority based on the exceptional qualities of a leader remarks

(A) supreme authority
(B) legal-rational authority
(C) charismatic authority
(D) traditional authority


Vinay • 28.75K Points
Instructor II

Q 2. What distinguishes Calvinism from Lutheranism?

(A) conversion
(B) predestination
(C) repentance
(D) systematization


Admin • 36.93K Points

Q 3. Weber’s concept, the Verstehen stands for

(A) understanding of how the researchers interpret the social action
(B) understanding social action in an objective manner
(C) understanding how the social world is made of actors
(D) understanding social world from the point of view of the actors


Vinay • 28.75K Points
Instructor II

Q 4. Who advocated the social action approach in sociology for the first time?

(A) max webber
(B) auguste comte
(C) herbert spencer
(D) emile durkheim


Ranjeet • 34.60K Points
Instructor I

Q 5. Who among the following analysed the impact of religious beliefs on the economic growth for the first time?

(A) auguste comte
(B) herbert spencer
(C) max webber
(D) emile durkheim


Vinay • 28.75K Points
Instructor II

Q 6. Who among the following said that ‘Sociology is the science of understanding the meaning of social action?

(A) auguste comte
(B) herbert spencer
(C) emile durkheim
(D) max webber


Ranjeet • 34.60K Points
Instructor I

Q 7. According to Weber, the amount of quantitative calculation and accounting procedure that goes into an action or decision is called

(A) practical rationality
(B) theoretical rationality
(C) formal rationality
(D) substantive rationality


Ram Sharma • 193.84K Points

Q 8. The term Weber used to refer to the capacity of social action to be subject to calculation in the means and ends of action is

(A) rationalization
(B) rationality
(C) social causation
(D) calculation


Shiva Ram • 30.44K Points
Instructor I

Q 9. Weber placed ----------- as the key to understand the pattern of historical development

(A) power
(B) ideal types
(C) bureaucracy
(D) rationalization


Praveen Singh • 36.71K Points

Q 10. According to Durkheim, the study of the form and structure of societies and its classification based on attributes can be called as

(A) social pathology
(B) social phenomenology
(C) social morphology
(D) social psychology

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