Fundamentals of Accounting MCQs and Notes


Priyanka Tomar • 35.28K Points

Q 1. At the time of preparation of financial accounts, balance of Bad Debts Recovered Account will be transferred to

(A) Debtor’s Personal a/c
(B) Profit & Loss a/c
(C) Bad Debts a/c
(D) Profit & Loss Appropriation a/c


Ranjeet • 34.60K Points
Instructor I

Q 2. Which of the following account(s) is (are) maintained in the joint venture when separate set of books are maintained?

(A) Joint Bank a/c
(B) Joint Venture a/c
(C) Co-venturer a/c
(D) All of the above


Ram Sharma • 193.84K Points

Q 3. A purchased goods costing 2,60,000 for joint venture with B. B sold a major part of the goods at cost plus 25% on cost, for 2,50,000. Balance of goods were taken over by B at cost less 10%. Find out profit/loss on Joint Venture.

(A) (Loss) 10,000
(B) 55,250
(C) 44,000
(D) 50,000


Ranjeet • 34.60K Points
Instructor I

Q 4. X sends out certain goods to Y, costing 1,50,000 at cost plus 25% on invoice price. ¾ of the goods were sold by R at 1,76,000. Commission 5% upto invoice value a nd 10% of any surplus above invoice value. The amount of commission will be

(A) 10,100
(B) 11,975
(C) 10,568.75
(D) 9,350


Gopal Sharma • 38.32K Points

Q 5. X sends out goods to Y, costing 3,60,000. Goods are to be sold at cost plus 25% on sales. The consignor asked consignee to pay an advance for an amount equivalent to 60% of sales value. The amount of advance will be

(A) 2,88,000
(B) 2,16,000
(C) 2,70,000
(D) 3,36,000


Gopal Sharma • 38.32K Points

Q 6. At the en d of the accounting year bills receivable discounted were 32,000 would be shown

(A) on Liabilities side of the Balance Sheet
(B) on Assets side of the Balance Sheet
(C) by way of a note with Balance Sheet
(D) Not appeared anywhere


Vijay Sangwan • 28.62K Points
Instructor II

Q 7. At the time of dishonor of an endorsed bill, which account would be credited by the drawee?

(A) Bills Payable Account
(B) Drawer’s Account
(C) Bank Account
(D) Bills Dishonoured Account


Vikash Gupta • 33.56K Points
Instructor I

Q 8. When credit balance as per pass book is the starting point of a Bank Reconciliation Statement then bank charges are

(A) Subtracted
(B) Added
(C) Either (A) or (B) 6
(D) None of the above


Shiva Ram • 30.44K Points
Instructor I

Q 9. From the following details ascertain the adjusted bank balance as per Cash Book – overdraft as per Cash Book 1,60,000; cheque received entered twice in the Cash Book 10,000; credit side of bank column cash short by 1,000; bank charges amounting to 400 entered twice:

(A) 1,61,000
(B) 1,71,000
(C) 1,70,000
(D) 1,70,600


Rakesh Kumar • 28.44K Points
Instructor II

Q 10. A purchase of 49,500 from Shiva was recorded in Purchases Book as 59,400, the profit would show

(A) an increase of 9,900
(B) a decrease of 9,900
(C) an increase of 59,400
(D) neither an increase nor a decrease

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