Theories and Principles of Public Administration MCQs


Shiva Ram • 28.35K Points
Instructor II

Q 1. In which year railway budget merged with union budget in India?

(A) 2016
(B) 2017
(C) 2000
(D) 2018


Gopal Sharma • 35.92K Points

Q 2. Which of the following factors helps to build up morale of the employees in the organization?

(A) participatory management
(B) grievance redressal mechanism
(C) job satisfaction
(D) all the above


Ranjeet • 32.29K Points
Instructor I

Q 3. Public administration is:

(A) a discipline
(B) an activity
(C) subject study
(D) all the above


Shiva Ram • 28.35K Points
Instructor II

Q 4. Uniformity of treatment is considered as an important feature of -------- administration:

(A) private
(B) public
(C) private and public
(D) none of the above


Shiva Ram • 28.35K Points
Instructor II

Q 5. The first country in the world to introduce the right to information was:

(A) india
(B) sweden
(C) u.s.a
(D) finland


Vikash Gupta • 31.32K Points
Instructor I

Q 6. The administrative staff college of India was established:

(A) 1957
(B) 1958
(C) 1959
(D) 1962


Admin • 34.80K Points
Instructor I

Q 7. The last stage in the process of recruitment is:

(A) appointment
(B) orientation
(C) placement
(D) probation


Rakesh Kumar • 26.25K Points
Instructor II

Q 8. Who said “An organization has three elements- persons, combined efforts and common purpose?

(A) l.d white
(B) gulick
(C) millward
(D) gladden


Praveen Singh • 34.41K Points
Instructor I

Q 9. The principle of unity of command ensures:

(A) accountability
(B) acceptability
(C) specialization
(D) co-ordination


Ram Sharma • 193.84K Points

Q 10. Which among the following is empowered to create more All India Services?

(A) rajya sabha
(B) parliament
(C) union cabinet
(D) state legislatures

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