IT for Business and Management MCQs


Priyanka Tomar • 33.18K Points
Instructor I

Q 11. .......... keyword is used to find the number of values in a column.

(A) total
(B) count
(C) add
(D) sum


Vikash Gupta • 31.32K Points
Instructor I

Q 12. .......... command can be used to modify a column in a table

(A) alter
(B) update
(C) set
(D) create


Vikash Gupta • 31.32K Points
Instructor I

Q 13. a uniform naming scheme for locating resources on the web.

(A) uri
(B) http
(C) webname
(D) resourcename


Priyanka Tomar • 33.18K Points
Instructor I

Q 14. A a symbolic name a network administrator assigns to a machine.

(A) url
(B) dns
(C) ip address
(D) host name


Vinay • 26.31K Points
Instructor II

Q 15. a web's native protocol.

(A) slip
(B) tcp/ip
(C) http
(D) ppp


Rakesh Kumar • 26.25K Points
Instructor II

Q 16. Title tag is nested within the .......................tag.

(A) body
(B) head
(C) list
(D) table


Ranjeet • 32.29K Points
Instructor I

Q 17. What is part of a database that holds only one type of information?

(A) report
(B) field
(C) record
(D) file


Vijay Sangwan • 26.16K Points
Instructor II

Q 18. ____ is the process of carrying out commands.

(A) fetching
(B) storing
(C) executing
(D) decoding


Vijay Sangwan • 26.16K Points
Instructor II

Q 19. Which part of the computer helps to store information?

(A) disk
(B) drive
(C) keyboard
(D) monitor


Ranjeet • 32.29K Points
Instructor I

Q 20. A collection of related information sorted and dealt with as a unit is -----------

(A) disk
(B) data
(C) file
(D) floppy

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