Reading on Indian Constitution, Secularism and Sustainable Environment MCQs


Praveen Singh • 34.41K Points
Instructor I

Q 71. ---------is a concept which is based on the holistic world view that sees the world as an integrated whole.

(A) National integration,
(B) secularism,
(C) deep ecology,
(D) social solidarity.


Vijay Sangwan • 26.16K Points
Instructor II

Q 72. What did Ouseph do to save Kannan from the butchers?

(A) He gave them another bullock,
(B) He bought Kannan back with the money his wife had managed through a chitti.
(C) He stole away with Kannan,
(D) He sold his paddy field.


Rakesh Kumar • 26.25K Points
Instructor II

Q 73. What is the writers observation about the death of Kannan?

(A) the poor beast died of broken heart at the misery of his master,
(B) the poor beast died of starvation,
(C) the poor beast was slaughtered,
(D) its death was natural.


Priyanka Tomar • 33.18K Points
Instructor I

Q 74. At the end of the story “The Talking Plough” we see ------

(A) the cob web-ridden plough,
(B) the new talking plough,
(C) the resting plough,
(D) the plough in the field.


Ranjeet • 32.29K Points
Instructor I

Q 75. After he lost the paddy field, Ouseph’s heart burns at the sight of the------

(A) kannan,
(B) jack fruit tree,
(C) cob web-ridden plough,
(D) the lost field.


Ranjeet • 32.29K Points
Instructor I

Q 76. The plough is an important-------in the story “The Talking Plough”

(A) simile,
(B) metaphor,
(C) personification,
(D) sign.


Gopal Sharma • 35.92K Points

Q 77. Where his own family failed to understand Ouseph, the poor beast--------

(A) also failed,
(B) succeeds,
(C) Indifferent,
(D) none of the above.


Praveen Singh • 34.41K Points
Instructor I

Q 78. Why did Maria and Kathrikutti scold Ouseph?

(A) Ouseph sold Kannan,
(B) Ouseph took Kannan home,
(C) Ouseph could not purchase new clothes for Kathrikutty,
(D) both ‘b’ and ‘c’


Shiva Ram • 28.35K Points
Instructor II

Q 79. The poor beasts told him the ‘poverty of man’s kindness to living things’. What does ‘poverty’ in this context mean?

(A) want of money,
(B) Carelessness,
(C) Absence
(D) state of being poor,


Vijay Sangwan • 26.16K Points
Instructor II

Q 80. Maria is Ouseph’s --------

(A) daughter,
(B) wife,
(C) Sister,
(D) sister-in-law.

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