1) Greater extremes of temperature are felt over the_____?
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Tags: Geography mcqs, important mcqs of Geography, Geography important Geography mcqs, mcqs on Geography, important mcqs on Geography, mcqs of GeographyC
1) Greater extremes of temperature are felt over the_____?
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2) In tornadoes, the valocity is often as much as_____?
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3) The changes in seasonal distribution of relative humidity is according to_____?
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4) Warms currents raise the temperatures of the_____areas?
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5) Mist are most frequent near_____?
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6) There is a width of the fronts varies from_____?
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7) Rocks are naturally occurring, most of solid_____?
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8) The average front’s speed is in_____direction from 50 to 80 km/h?
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9) Is Dew deposited near to the surface of_____?
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10) Air moves upward at the front, warm light air_____over the cold heavy air?
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