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Ankit Singh • 5.81K Points
Tutor III History

Q. Who among the following pioneered Khilafat Movement?

(A) M.A. Jinnah
(B) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
(C) Mahatma Gandhi
(D) Ali Brothers


Ruchi Sharma • 9.84K Points
Tutor III Economic

Q. The economist who believed that unemployment is impossible and that market mechanism has a built in regulatory system to meet any ups and downs

(A) Ohlin
(B) J.B. Say
(C) Galbraith
(D) J.M. Keynes


Ankit Singh • 5.81K Points
Tutor III Reasoning

Q. Pointing to a lady in a photograph, Meera said, “Her father’s only son’s wife is my mother-in -law”. How is Meera’s husband related to that lady in the photo?

(A) Nephew
(B) Uncle
(C) Father
(D) Son


Manisha Agrawal • 9.32K Points
Tutor III Geography

Q. A peneplain is formed due to

(A) Alluvial erosion
(B) Glacial erosion
(C) Wind erosion and deposition
(D) River erosion and deposition


Virat Bhati • 7.23K Points
Tutor III Reasoning

Q. Complete the series: 



Shivam • 8.86K Points
Tutor III Computer

Q. Which of the following information systems focuses on making manufacturing processes more efficient and of higher quality?

(A) Computer aided system engineering
(B) Computer aided software engineering
(C) Computer integrated manufacturing
(D) Computer aided manufacturing


Madan • 7.44K Points
Tutor III Geography

Q. At which height, the gaseous surrounding has covered the Earth's atmosphere?

(A) 100km
(B) 150km
(C) 200km
(D) 300km


Manisha Agrawal • 9.32K Points
Tutor III History

Q. Mansab word is stood for:

(A) a rank
(B) an office
(C) a grade of pay
(D) a piece of land


Rohan Raj • 6.53K Points
Tutor III History

Q. Which of the following is not representation of Buddhist art?

(A) Vihar
(B) Stupa
(C) Relic tower
(D) Chaitya


Uday Singh • 7.15K Points
Tutor III Math

Q. The age of a man 10 years ago was thrice the age of his son. 10 years hence, the man's age will be twice the age of his son. The ratio of their present ages is = ?

(A) 5 : 2
(B) 7 : 3
(C) 9 : 2
(D) 13 : 4

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