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JavaScript MCQs with answers Page - 2

Dear candidates you will find MCQ questions of JavaScript here. Learn these questions and prepare yourself for coming examinations and interviews. You can check the right answer of any question by clicking on any option or by clicking view answer button.
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Babita • 7.55K Points
Tutor III

Q. Which of the following Attribute is used to include External JS code inside your HTML Document

(A) src
(B) ext
(C) script
(D) link


Babita • 7.55K Points
Tutor III

Q. A proper scripting language is a

(A) High level programming language
(B) Assembly level programming language
(C) Machine level programming language
(D) Low level programming language


Babita • 7.55K Points
Tutor III

Q. The type of a variable that is volatile is

(A) Volatile variable
(B) Mutable variable
(C) Immutable variable
(D) Dynamic variable


Babita • 7.55K Points
Tutor III

Q. A hexadecimal literal begins with

(A) 00
(B) 0x
(C) 0X
(D) Both 0x and 0X


Babita • 7.55K Points
Tutor III

Q. The generalised syntax for a real number representation is

(A) [digits][.digits][(E|e)[(+|-)]digits]
(B) [digits][+digits][(E|e)[(+|-)]digits]
(C) [digits][(E|e)[(+|-)]digits]
(D) [.digits][digits][(E|e)[(+|-)]digits]


Babita • 7.55K Points
Tutor III

Q. When there is an indefinite or an infinity value during an arithmetic value computation, javascript

(A) Prints an exception error
(B) Prints an overflow error
(C) Displays “Infinity”
(D) Prints the value as such


Kirti • 10.37K Points
Tutor II

Q. The enumeration order becomes implementation dependent and non-interoperable if:

(A) The delete keyword is never used
(B) Object.defineProperty() is not used
(C) If the object inherits enumerable properties
(D) The object does not have the properties present in the integer array indices


Kirti • 10.37K Points
Tutor II

Q. What happens in the following javascript code snippet?

var num = 1;
while (num < 15) 
(A) An exception is thrown
(B) An error is displayed
(C) The values of count are logged or stored in a particular location or storage
(D) The value of count from 1 to 14 is displayed in the console


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