Reasoning MCQ Questions with answers

Here Important Reasoning MCQ questions are added which are frequently asked in almost all the examinations. You can check the correct answer of any question on clicking the show answer button or on option itself. The Correct answer will be displayed below. You can share any question with your friends on whatsapp by tapping whatsapp button.

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Mr. Dubey • 52.10K Points
Coach Reasoning

Q) Introducing a woman, a man said, "Her husband is only son of my mother". How is the woman related to that man?

  • (A) Sister
  • (B) Daughter
  • (C) Wife
  • (D) Mother
Correct Answer - Option (C)


Only son of man's mother means the man himself. Therefore, the man is the husband of that woman. Hence, the woman is the wife of that man.


Mr. Dubey • 52.10K Points
Coach Reasoning

Q) In a certain code, 15789 is written as XTZAL and 2346 is written as NPSU. how is 23549 written in that code? 

  • (A) NPTUL
  • (B) PNTSL
  • (C) NPTSL
  • (D) NBTSL
Correct Answer - Option (C)


As we see in question,
15789 is written as XTZAL 
2346 is written as NPSU
Now come to the question part.
23549 will be written as 
2 - N
3 - P
5 - T
4 - S
9 - L
hence NPTSL is right answer.


Priyanka Tomar • 32.85K Points
Instructor I Reasoning

Q) If 9 = 90, 8= 72, 7 = 56, 6 = 42, then 5=? 

  • (A) 25
  • (B) 30
  • (C) 35
  • (D) 40
Correct Answer - Option (B)


In this series, each term is multiplied by 10,9,8,7 and so on....... 
So next term will be 5x6 = 30

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