Design of Steel Structures MCQs | Page - 3
Dear candidates you will find MCQ questions of Design of Steel Structures here. Learn these questions and prepare yourself for coming examinations and interviews. You can check the right answer of any question by clicking on any option or by clicking view answer button.
Q. For eccentrically loaded columns, the bending factor is
Q. The net area of round bars to resist the tension, is the area of cross section at
Q. The bracing between two columns of a steel tank will be designed to resist
Q. The mechanism method of plastic analysis satisfies
Q. Rolled steel beams are designated by Indian Standard series and its
Q. When plates are exposed to weather, tacking rivets are provided at a pitch in line not exceeding (where t is the thickness of the outside plate).
Q. For a compression member with double angle section, which of the following section will give larger value of minimum radius of gyration?
Q. The gross section of the web of a beam is defined as
Q. Pitch of tacking rivets, when double angles connected back to back and acting as tension members should not be more than
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