Design of Steel Structures MCQs | Page - 32

Dear candidates you will find MCQ questions of Design of Steel Structures here. Learn these questions and prepare yourself for coming examinations and interviews. You can check the right answer of any question by clicking on any option or by clicking view answer button.


Mr. Dubey • 52.26K Points

Q. The capacity of the smallest pressed steel tank is 1000 litre

(A) 1650 litre
(B) 1950 litre
(C) 2450 litre
(D) none
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Mr. Dubey • 52.26K Points

Q. As per IS : 800, for compression flange, the outstand of flange plates should not exceed

(A) 12 t
(B) 16 t
(C) 20 t
(D) 25 tt
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Mr. Dubey • 52.26K Points

Q. If the moment of inertia of a section about its axis is and its effective sectional area is, its radius of gyration r about the axis, is

(A) r = I/A
(B) r I/A)
(C) r = (I/A)
(D) r A/I)
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Mr. Dubey • 52.26K Points

Q. The equivalent axial tensile load Pe, which produces an average axial tensile stress in the section equivalent to the combined stress due to axial tension P and bending M, at the extreme fibre of the section, is given by (where Z is the section modulus of the section).

(A) Pe = P + MA/Z
(B) Pe = P - MA/Z
(C) Pe = P - Z/MA
(D) Pe = P + Z/MA
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Mr. Dubey • 52.26K Points

Q. A 20 mm dia steel bar which is subjected to an axial tension of 2300 kg/cm2 produces a strain of cm. If Young's modulus of steel is 2.1 × 106kg/cm2, the bar is

(A) In the elastic range
(B) In the plastic range
(C) At yield point
(D) None of these
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