1) Sleeping sickness in man is caused by the organism
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Home / RAILWAY MCQs / Department 88 / Page 1
36500+ MCQs for RAILWAY are available here. You can learn these questions for your better preparation. Questions are available with its correct answer. You can check the correct answer of any questions by clicking the option or show answer button.
Have a nice day and enjoy learning RAILWAY MCQ Questions.
1) Sleeping sickness in man is caused by the organism
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2) The harmful poisonous substances produced by bacteria are called
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3) One word substitution for - One who forcibly seizes control of a bus
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4) One word substitution for - A government by the nobles
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5) One word substitution for - A person who has no money to pay off his debts
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6) One word substitution for - A song embodying religious and sacred emotions
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7) One word substitution for - Practice of a married woman having extra marital relationship
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8) Find the correctly spelt word.
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9) Find the correctly spelt word.
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10) Find the correctly spelt word.
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