Quantitative Techniques for Business MCQs and Notes


Praveen Singh • 34.41K Points
Instructor I

Q 21. ............................. is the reverse process of differentiation

(A) Differential equation
(B) Integration
(C) Determinant
(D) None of these


Vijay Sangwan • 26.16K Points
Instructor II

Q 22. The techniques which provide the decision maker a systematic and powerful means of analysis to explore policies for achieving predetermined goals are called.................

(A) Mathematical techniques
(B) Correlation technique
(C) Quantitative techniques
(D) . None of the above


Vijay Sangwan • 26.16K Points
Instructor II

Q 23. Index numbers are

(A) special type of average
(B) measure the economic changes
(C) to measure relative changes
(D) all of these


Gopal Sharma • 35.92K Points

Q 24. Standard deviation of the sampling distribution is called ............................

(A) probable error
(B) standard error
(C) mean deviation
(D) coefficient of variation


Ram Sharma • 193.84K Points

Q 25. Theoretically, the range of normal curve is ................................................

(A) -1 to +1
(B) +1 to infinity
(C) –infinity to +infinity
(D) none of these


Vijay Sangwan • 26.16K Points
Instructor II

Q 26. Mean ± 2 S.D. covers .............. % area of normal curve.

(A) 68.27
(B) 95.45
(C) 95.54
(D) 98.73


Priyanka Tomar • 33.18K Points
Instructor I

Q 27. A normal distribution is an approximation to ..............................

(A) binomial distribution
(B) poisson distribution
(C) poisson
(D) none of these


Rakesh Kumar • 26.25K Points
Instructor II

Q 28. A normal distribution requires two parameters, namely the mean and ..............

(A) median
(B) mode
(C) standard deviation±
(D) mean deviation


Ranjeet • 32.29K Points
Instructor I

Q 29. In a ......................... distribution, quartiles are equi-distant from median.

(A) binomial
(B) poisson
(C) normal
(D) none of these


Ranjeet • 32.29K Points
Instructor I

Q 30. Normal distribution is ................................

(A) mesokurtic
(B) leptokurtic
(C) more than 0
(D) in between +1 and -1

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