Quantitative Techniques for Business MCQs and Notes


Vinay • 26.31K Points
Instructor II

Q 31. The area under the standard normal curve beyond the line z = ±1.96 is ...............................

(A) 5%
(B) 10%
(C) 90%
(D) 95%


Rakesh Kumar • 26.25K Points
Instructor II

Q 32. An approximate relation between MD about mean and SD of a normal distribution is ............................

(A) 5md = 4 sd
(B) 3md = 3 sd
(C) 3md = 2 sd
(D) 4md = 5 sd


Vinay • 26.31K Points
Instructor II

Q 33. An approximate relation between QD and SD of normal distribution is ...............

(A) 2qd = 3sd
(B) 5qd = 4sd
(C) 4qd = 5sd
(D) 3qd = 2sd


Rakesh Kumar • 26.25K Points
Instructor II

Q 34. For a normal curve , the QD, MD, and SD are in the ratio of ..............................

(A) 5:8:10
(B) 10:12:15
(C) 2:3:5
(D) none of these


Admin • 34.80K Points
Instructor I

Q 35. Normal distribution is ......................

(A) continuous
(B) unimodal
(C) normal
(D) none of these


Vikash Gupta • 31.32K Points
Instructor I

Q 36. The normal curve is .................................

(A) bi-model
(B) uni-model
(C) mean
(D) none of these


Rakesh Kumar • 26.25K Points
Instructor II

Q 37. ...........................distribution gives a normal bell shaped curve.

(A) normal
(B) poisson
(C) binomial
(D) none of these


Vikash Gupta • 31.32K Points
Instructor I

Q 38. Normal distribution is a........................... probability distribution.

(A) discrete
(B) continuous
(C) poisson
(D) none of these


Praveen Singh • 34.41K Points
Instructor I

Q 39. Normal distribution was first discovered by ................................... in 1733 as limiting form of binomial distribution.

(A) karl pearson
(B) james bernoulli
(C) de-moivre
(D) simeon denis poisson


Vinay • 26.31K Points
Instructor II

Q 40. When X follows binomial distribution, P(X=0) is.........................

(A) 0
(B) 1
(C) qn
(D) pn

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