IT in Management MCQs and Notes


Shiva Ram • 30.44K Points
Instructor I

Q 1. Which of the following statement is false?

(A) mechanical analog computers have existed for thousands of years
(B) there are mechanical analog computers and electronic analog computers.
(C) all electronic computers are digital computers
(D) all of above are false


Praveen Singh • 36.71K Points

Q 2. Identify the correct statement

(A) ibm pcs used risc cpu designs
(B) macintosh used cisc cpu design
(C) ibm used cisc cpu design
(D) none of above is true


Vinay • 28.75K Points
Instructor II

Q 3. Which of the following is not input unit device?

(A) scanner
(B) camera
(C) plotter
(D) digitizer


Vinay • 28.75K Points
Instructor II

Q 4. _______ computers are also called personal computers

(A) mainframe computer
(B) mini computers
(C) micro computers
(D) super computers


Vijay Sangwan • 28.62K Points
Instructor II

Q 5. What is a compiler?

(A) a compiler does a conversion line by line as the program is run
(B) a compiler converts the whole of a higher level program code into machine code in one step
(C) a compiler is a general purpose language providing very efficient execution
(D) none of the above


Admin • 36.93K Points

Q 6. Which of the following is not anti-viruses software?

(A) nav
(B) f-prot
(C) oracle
(D) mcafee


Priyanka Tomar • 35.28K Points

Q 7. Computer operators

(A) writes computer programs for specific problems
(B) operate the device which input and output data from the computer
(C) normally require a college degree in computer science
(D) all of the above


Vikash Gupta • 33.56K Points
Instructor I

Q 8. Programs designed to perform specific tasks is known as

(A) system software
(B) application software
(C) utility programs
(D) operating system


Vikash Gupta • 33.56K Points
Instructor I

Q 9. The storage subsystem in a microcomputer consists mainly of __ or __ media with varying capacities

(A) memory or video
(B) magnetic or optical
(C) optical or memory
(D) video or magnetic


Shiva Ram • 30.44K Points
Instructor I

Q 10. Which of the following memory medium is not used as main memory system?

(A) magnetic core
(B) semiconductor
(C) magnetic tape
(D) both semiconductor and magnetic tape

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