IT in Management MCQs and Notes


Vikash Gupta • 33.56K Points
Instructor I

Q 91. Storage capacity of magnetic disk depends on

(A) tracks per inch of surface
(B) bits per inch of tracks
(C) disk pack in disk surface
(D) all of above


Vijay Sangwan • 28.62K Points
Instructor II

Q 92. ASCII and EBCDIC are the popular character coding systems. What does EBCDIC stand for?

(A) extended binary coded decimal interchange code
(B) extended bit code decimal interchange code
(C) extended bit case decimal interchange code
(D) extended binary case decimal interchange code


Admin • 36.93K Points

Q 93. Microprocessors as switching devices are for which generation computers

(A) first generation
(B) second generation
(C) third generation
(D) fourth generation


Vijay Sangwan • 28.62K Points
Instructor II

Q 94. The two major types of computer chips are

(A) external memory chip
(B) primary memory chip
(C) microprocessor chip
(D) both b and c


Admin • 36.93K Points

Q 95. The basic operations performed by a computer are

(A) arithmetic operation
(B) logical operation
(C) storage and relative
(D) all the above


Vinay • 28.75K Points
Instructor II

Q 96. UNIVAC is

(A) universal automatic computer
(B) universal array computer
(C) unique automatic computer
(D) unvalued automatic computer

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