Reading on Indian Constitution, Secularism and Sustainable Environment MCQs


Rakesh Kumar • 26.25K Points
Instructor II

Q 21. What does the rain do in the Sanatorium for Trees?

(A) Rubs it’s balm on barren heads,
(B) Rehydrates parched desires,
(C) Decongests swollen memories,
(D) Rushes in with tincture and cotton wool.


Admin • 34.80K Points
Instructor I

Q 22. What does the moon do in the Sanatorium for Trees?

(A) Rubs its a balm on barren heads,
(B) Rehydrates parched desires,
(C) Decongests swollen memories,
(D) Rushes in with tincture and cotton wool.


Gopal Sharma • 35.92K Points

Q 23. There is no return from the sanatorium because

(A) Man can be at peace only when he sentences himself to life with nature
(B) Man is undergoing a medical treatment.
(C) Man is undergoing punishment.
(D) None of the above.


Shiva Ram • 28.35K Points
Instructor II

Q 24. “You are sentenced to life with the Sun, the rain and the wind” where does this line occur?

(A) In the Sanatorium for Trees
(B) On Killing a Tree
(C) Abhijnana Sakuntalam
(D) The Talking Plough.


Rakesh Kumar • 26.25K Points
Instructor II

Q 25. The word concoction means

(A) Connotation
(B) Conviction
(C) Confession
(D) A mixture of various elements.


Vinay • 26.31K Points
Instructor II

Q 26. --------------are on chemotherapy.

(A) The pappayas,
(B) The pannagas,
(C) The jackfruit tree,
(D) The mallica plant.


Gopal Sharma • 35.92K Points

Q 27. We can walk without fear in the sanatorium because

(A) There is no one in the sanatorium
(B) There are no wild animals in the sanatorium,
(C) The plants and the trees in the sanatorium paralyzed with the concoctions which the human predators have poured into them,
(D) The sanatorium is well protected.


Gopal Sharma • 35.92K Points

Q 28. In the poem “In the Sanatorium for Trees”, the poet requests us to walk gently through-----

(A) The wards
(B) The forest
(C) The vestibule,
(D) The narrow lane.


Shiva Ram • 28.35K Points
Instructor II

Q 29. A man can be at peace only when he ----------- himself to the life with nature.

(A) Sentences
(B) Convicts
(C) Confirms
(D) Warns


Vikash Gupta • 31.32K Points
Instructor I

Q 30. “In The Sanatorium for Trees” shows a poignant awareness of -------

(A) The impact of globalization
(B) Killing of trees
(C) The destruction of environment by human predator
(D) None of the above.

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