Reading on Indian Constitution, Secularism and Sustainable Environment MCQs


Ram Sharma • 193.84K Points

Q 41. The labourers are weary and desperate because

(A) They are working day and night
(B) they are working in mines
(C) they are lazy
(D) the atmosphere of the factory is grim with smoke and soil


Vijay Sangwan • 26.16K Points
Instructor II

Q 42. How do thing of ugliness turn bright according to Baldoon Dingra?

(A) When the bright rays of the Sun touches the chimney shaft
(B) with the help of imagination
(C) when portrayed by fanciful painters
(D) none of the above


Vikash Gupta • 31.32K Points
Instructor I

Q 43. ‘The iron lines against the sky standing to eastward’ suggest

(A) The iron gates of the factories
(B) The smoke emanating from the chimneys
(C) The machines
(D) None of the above


Priyanka Tomar • 33.18K Points
Instructor I

Q 44. The Factories are eye-sores because

(A) They cause eye-sores
(B) Factories burn and tickles eyes
(C) The black smoke emanating from the factories blackens the landscape
(D) all the above


Vinay • 26.31K Points
Instructor II

Q 45. Which among the following is not a collection of poem by Baldoon Dingra?

(A) Symphony of love
(B) Beauty’s Sanctuary
(C) Bird Sanctuary
(D) Comes Ever the Dawn


Rakesh Kumar • 26.25K Points
Instructor II

Q 46. The poem “Factories are Eye-sores” was written by

(A) Gieve Patel
(B) Baldoon Dingnra
(C) kamala Das
(D) Nizzim Ezekiel


Ranjeet • 32.29K Points
Instructor I

Q 47. What are the possible interpretations of the poem “On Killing A Tree”?

(A) Deep roots are not easy to be pulled out , so we have to be well rooted in life
(B) Nature has the spirit of resilience, no matter how much we harm it.
(C) the poem is a metaphor for rooting out the evil that has taken deep roots.
(D) All the above.


Gopal Sharma • 35.92K Points

Q 48. It takes much time to kill a tree because

(A) the tree is tall
(B) the tree is rigid
(C) a tree takes so many years to grow
(D) none of the above.


Ranjeet • 32.29K Points
Instructor I

Q 49. The message of the poem “On Killing a Tree” is

(A) it tells us how to kill a tree
(B) it is indifferent to killing of trees
(C) it tells us we should never harm trees
(D) none of the above


Admin • 34.80K Points
Instructor I

Q 50. Which among the following is not a poem by Gieve Patel?

(A) On Killing a Tree
(B) Poison Tree
(C) Nargol
(D) Commerce

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