Service Marketing MCQs and Notes


Vijay Sangwan • 28.62K Points
Instructor II

Q 171. Solutions used to minimize the marketing problems attributed to heterogeneity include

(A) Standardizing the service
(B) Using multi-site location
(C) Stressing tangible clues
(D) None of these


Vinay • 28.75K Points
Instructor II

Q 172. A buyer’s perception of value is considered a trade-off between

(A) Product value and psychic cost
(B) Total customer value and total customer cost
(C) Image value & monetary cost
(D) Service value and monetary cost


Ranjeet • 34.60K Points
Instructor I

Q 173. Which of the following is not a service?

(A) Insurance
(B) Mail delivery
(C) Medical checkup
(D) None of these


Rakesh Kumar • 28.44K Points
Instructor II

Q 174. Customer satisfaction can be defined by comparing

(A) Predicted service and perceived service
(B) Predicted service and desired service
(C) Desired service and perceived service
(D) Adequate service and perceived service


Ranjeet • 34.60K Points
Instructor I

Q 175. Green marketing is a part of …………….

(A) Social marketing
(B) Service marketing
(C) Relationship marketing
(D) Rural marketing


Gopal Sharma • 38.32K Points

Q 176. Service are characterized by all of the following characteristics except for …………….

(A) Intangibility
(B) Homogeneity
(C) Perishability
(D) Inseparability


Admin • 36.93K Points

Q 177. Service marketing become difficult because of …………….

(A) Intangibility
(B) No demand
(C) More complex market
(D) Difficult to enter market

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