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Computer Graphics MCQs | Page - 22
Dear candidates you will find MCQ questions of Computer Graphics here. Learn these questions and prepare yourself for coming examinations and interviews. You can check the right answer of any question by clicking on any option or by clicking view answer button.
Q. 211) In scan line algorithm, using Edge coherence property the next incremental x-intersection(xs+1) can be calculated as: ------------Note: Xs is the previous x-intersection.
Q. 212) In scan line algorithm, Let an edge is represented by Formula y = mx + b and for scan_line s value of y = s. What will be the Xs ? Note : Scan line is intersecting with edge at (s,Xs)
Q. 213) In winding number method if net winding is --------then point is outside otherwise it is inside.
Q. 214) In winding number method if net winding is zero then point is ---------- otherwise it is inside.
Q. 215) In winding number method if net winding is non-zero then point is --------.
Q. 216) what will be the intersection points for current scan line as shown in figure using scan line polygon filling algorithm
Q. 217) What will be the intersection points for current scan line as shown in figure using scan line polygon filling algorithm.
Q. 218) In 4 connected region if one pixel is (2,3) then remaining neighboring pixels are
Q. 219) In 8 connected region if one pixel is (3,2) then remaining neighboring pixels are
Q. 220) In 8 connected region if one pixel is (2,3) then remaining neighboring pixels are
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