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Computer Graphics MCQs | Page - 9
Dear candidates you will find MCQ questions of Computer Graphics here. Learn these questions and prepare yourself for coming examinations and interviews. You can check the right answer of any question by clicking on any option or by clicking view answer button.
Q. 81) Which of the following algorithms to fill polygons was the one used by real rasterizers?
Q. 82) Active edge table is used in following algorithm
Q. 83) Scan line polygon filling algorithm uses series of ……………. To fill the polygon.
Q. 84) In scan line algorithm, Scan lines are processed in increasing (upward) / decreasing (downward) --------------------------.
Q. 85) When the current scan line in Scan line polygon fill algorithm moves above the upper / below the lower endpoint, the edge
Q. 86) The edges crossed by current scan line in Scan line polygon fill algorithm are called as
Q. 87) Scan line Fill Approach works at the
Q. 88) Following are the data structures used in Scan line algorithm to increase the efficiency.
Q. 89) Scan line polygon filling algorithm starts from
Q. 90) Scan line polygon filling algorithm can be used for filling Convex polygon.
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