Methods and Techniques in Applied Biology MCQs | Page - 2

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Mr. Dubey • 52.26K Points

Q. Which of the following is incorrect?

(A) The broken cell preparation is loosely referred to as cell-free preparation or HOMOGENATE
(B) SUPERNATANT is that part of the cell material not sedimented by a centrifugal force known to sediment any subcellular structure
(C) A BLENDER consist of a glass vessel fitted with rotating knives
(D) None of the above
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Mr. Dubey • 52.26K Points

Q. A gene that does not contain introns has an Eco RI site just down stream of the translational termination codon in the 3' untranslated region. The size of the gene is 4 Kbp. The length of 3' UTR is 2 Kbp, the 5' UTR is 1 Kbp and that the open reading frame is 1kbp. Upon probing a southern blot of an Eco RI digested genomic DNA with the radioactively labelled fragment containing only the open reading frame, the size of the band detected by hybridization would be

(A) 1 Kbp
(B) > 2 Kbp
(C) 0.5 Kbp
(D) 1.5 Kbp
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Mr. Dubey • 52.26K Points

Q. Cells deficient in hypoxanthine guanine phospho-ribosyl transferase (HGPRT)

(A) Synthesis of purine deoxynucleotides by salvage pathway
(B) Synthesis of purine deoxynucleotides by de novo path way
(C) Supply of hypoxanthine in the culture medium
(D) Supply of thymidine in the culture medium enzyme rely on
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Mr. Dubey • 52.26K Points

Q. Which of the following statements gives a correct explanation for the use of vectors containing drug resistance genes in the cloning of recombinant DNA (cDNA) molecules?

(A) The products of the drug resistance genes protect the cDNA from destruction by the host cells
(B) The drug resistance genes provide additional base sequences that enable the vector to accommodate larger inserts of cDNA
(C) Entry of the vector containing the cDNA and the drug resistance genes into the host cell renders the latter identifiable as it is now resistant to antibiotic drugs
(D) The cloned cDNA imparts drug resistance upon any cellular system with which it is used
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Mr. Dubey • 52.26K Points

Q. There are two different ways of determining the nucleotide sequence of a nucleic acid: the chemical quencing (Maxam-Gilbert) method and the enzymatic sequencing (Sanger) method. The basic principle/advantage of the Sanger method is

(A) The differential interaction of the bases with particular dyes
(B) Extension of a synthetic primer and reliable termination of DNA repair synthesis
(C) The correlation of restriction sites with the end-label of the DNA
(D) The ability to 'sequence' both strands of the DNA duplex simultaneously
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Mr. Dubey • 52.26K Points

Q. The ability to clone an adult animal from the nucleus of a differentiated somatic cell proves that

(A) The germ line and soma are identical
(B) Genetic engineering is a powerful technique
(C) Animals are not all that different from plants
(D) The nuclei of somatic cells contain all the genetic information present in a fertilized egg
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Mr. Dubey • 52.26K Points

Q. For protoplast fusion to be successful in plant cells.

(A) Fusion agents other than polyethylene glycol should be used
(B) Cell wall of the two strains of cells should not be damaged
(C) DNA between the two cells should be compatible
(D) Osmolarity of the medium is not important
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Mr. Dubey • 52.26K Points

Q. The process used for separation of protein in polyacrylamide gel is called:

(A) Southern blotting
(B) Northern blotting
(C) Western blotting
(D) Eastern blotting
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Mr. Dubey • 52.26K Points

Q. The technique which involves addition or deletions of genes is

(A) Gene therapy
(B) Genetic engineering
(C) Gene splicing
(D) Artificial synthesis
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Mr. Dubey • 52.26K Points

Q. In Southern blotting, DNA is fixed on

(A) Nitrocellulose
(B) Nylon membrane
(C) A and B both
(D) None of these
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