Methods and Techniques in Applied Biology MCQs | Page - 3

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Mr. Dubey • 52.26K Points

Q. Which of the following statement is incorrect?

(A) Inactivation of a gene for determination of gene function of that gene is called gene knockout
(B) Technique used to construct a clone by overlapping fragments of cloned DNA is called chromosome walking
(C) A clinical procedure in which a gene or other DNA sequence is used to treat a disease is called gene therapy
(D) None of these
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Mr. Dubey • 52.26K Points

Q. The sensitivity of ELISA is

(A) 10-6 g/ml
(B) 10-7 g/ml
(C) 10-9 g/ml
(D) 10-12 g/ml
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Mr. Dubey • 52.26K Points

Q. Hybridoma technology is used in

(A) Synthesis of haemoglobin
(B) Production of alcohol
(C) Production of somatic hybrids
(D) Synthesis of monoclonal antibodies
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Mr. Dubey • 52.26K Points

Q. Which statement about restriction enzymes are false?

(A) Restriction enzymes cut DNA at specific sequence called recognition sites
(B) A restriction enzyme always cut DNA to leave the same sequence at the ends
(C) Some restriction enzymes cut the two DNA strands at slightly different points within their recognition site to make a 'sticky' end
(D) Restriction enzymes are exonucleases rather than endonucleases
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Mr. Dubey • 52.26K Points

Q. Free amino acids can be determined with the help of

(A) Heterotrophic bacteria
(B) Auxotrophic bacteria
(C) Algae
(D) Fungi
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Mr. Dubey • 52.26K Points

Q. Reverse genetics means

(A) Finding the functions of a ORF
(B) Finding the gene responsible for a trait
(C) RNA dependent DNA synthesis
(D) Converting somatic cell to a germ cell
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Mr. Dubey • 52.26K Points

Q. If the linear double stranded genomic DNA of bacteriophage T4 is heated and cooled, one gets both linear and circular molecules because,

(A) All linear DNA on heating and cooling attain circular shape
(B) The DNA molecules are circularly permuted
(C) The DNA molecule has cohesive terminal ends
(D) The RNA component of the genomes gets hydrolyzed to results in the circularization
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Mr. Dubey • 52.26K Points

Q. The restriction end onuclease Eco521 recognizes the sequence C/GGCGG and cuts between the first C and the first G, indicated by the slash. DNA cut by which of the following enzymes (given with their recognition sequences and cut sites) could be cloned into a plasmid digested with Eco521?

(C) SmaI (CCC/GGG)
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Mr. Dubey • 52.26K Points

Q. The genome sequencing of rice is important because

(A) The rice genome is very unique and contains genes not found in other plants
(B) The rice genome is very large compared to the DNA of other grains and so more genes will be identified
(C) It can identify genes associated with disease resistance, growth capacity, etc
(D) It has a rapid life cycle and has many identifiable mutations
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Mr. Dubey • 52.26K Points

Q. Which of the following methods would give you the most precise and accurate information about where and when a given gene is expressed?

(A) In situ hybridization
(B) DNA microarray
(C) Protein microarray
(D) Reporter gene fusion including introns
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